November 9, 2011

30 Day Challenge ~ Thanksgiving ~ Day 9

You know the friend you can call and talk compost or manure with?  The one who is as heartbroken as 
you are when you explain that you think your split-leaf philodendron didn't 
make it through an unexpected record low?  

She's also the friend who laughs with you when life is funny and who cries with you when it isn't. 
I'm thankful for my dear, sweet friend who generously shares this life journey with me.  Not only does she inspire me to be a better gardener; she inspires me to be a better person. 


  1. A listening and understanding ear is a wonderful thing to behold.

  2. A great portrait for a great friend. That's really sweet of you. I'm sure your friend thinks the same of you.

  3. Those kind of friendships are precious and life up our souls!

  4. Our lives would be empty without these friends....

  5. Where would we be without such people? Glad I don't have to find out. Sweet dedication to your friend. I am sure she feels the same. =0)
    CONGRATS on your master gardener intern (did I phrase that right?)

  6. What nice things to say about your friend! We're lucky to have people like that in our lives.

  7. How wonderful to have a best friend who's also a gardener!

  8. A close girlfriend is one of life's greatest blessings. We all have many acquaintances but true friends are rare. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for the few wonderful girlfriends that grace my life too.

  9. She is a wonderful friend and amazing person. I count myself lucky to have both of you in my life!

    AND....congratulations to you on your Master Gardner test! I knew you would do perfectly! ;-)

    Hugs and love to you, sweet friend!

  10. your friend sounds wonderful. That sort of friendship is a rare and special thing

  11. What a good friend! Thanks for passing on the link to my friend's letter. I thought you'd like it.

  12. What did I miss? What is the Master Gardener test? Pleeease talk to me :-) I wanna congratulate too. I am very thankful for my close and best friends. Some things you just cant sort out without them! I'm sure you are a wonderful friend too!!!

  13. Ha! Sandra, you're sooo sweet. The Master Gardener program is an organization of trained volunteers who help the community with horticultural issues. Here is a link: The training is a 10 week course with a final exam. The exam was yesterday and I passed! Woohoo!! Now I'll intern for the next year and then after my training, will be a certified master gardener. Thanks for your enthusiasm! Can't wait to see you!

  14. It is a blessing to have friends who understand the garden obsession.
    Congrats on the Master Gardener test!

  15. I have my dear friend, Ann, who will come over and pull weeds, mulch beds and work tirelessly and then thank me for the opportunity to 'have fun'! I know how precious friends are, and you are blessed.

  16. You will be master gardener next year, wow Cat, congrats:)
    Friends are the best, like some one said you can have a new husband but not a new friend:)
