February 7, 2012

Spring, she is a smilin'


  1. She sure is!!!! Those are some HOT photos:) Love your bee:) Hope you are enjoying some outside time today. Chris

  2. Nice pics down there, they all feel warm to look at. Spring is smiling...she must, before your "Death Star" sends its 1st flash over the eastern horizon in a few months! I'm jealous, so I'll keep reminding myself of your traffic.

    1. Please, don't being up the traffic. The heat I can stand!

  3. That is a happy henbit!

    I need to get somewhere sunny and warm I think.

  4. You take such amazing photos. You should really teach a class or something.

    1. Thank you, Katina. I'm still learning myself. I'm taking a Nikon class in March. It's a two day course and I'm so excited to learn more about shooting in more conditions than available light. Flashes intimidate me.

  5. Did you just take all of those pics? Please tell me they are from last year. Winter has a firm grip here! Lows as -15°C!!!!
    Anyways, the pics are beautiful!

  6. Spring, oh my! I love that smiling flower. We are bracing for 7 degrees overnight later this week. Send some smiles and warmth up north!

  7. Gorgeous pics. Looks like spring is on the way, unless Mother Nature pulls a fast one on us.

  8. Look at the face on that henbit. Cheeky little thing! Show it what for.

  9. What a cute final image, Cat. I loved it.

  10. haha - I'll be looking for a smile, now, when I weed! :)

  11. Ha! Glad you all liked the henbit! Fortunately, Jenny, it's not in my yard...it's down the way a bit. I'm sure the neighbors think me quite strange taking photos of it instead of pulling it up!

  12. Sandra, sorry to say, yes I took them this week. It's been lovely here. I'll be looking to you for refreshing photos this summer ;)

  13. What happy pictures! My cherry trees are blooming too and lots of henbit!

  14. Your photographs are always so beautiful. I agree that you should be teaching a class!

  15. That's the cutest little henbit I've ever seen. I don't think I will ever look at it quite the same. I pulled some up on a job today and carelessly tossed it aside...never looking for the smile. How sad is that! Looking ahead at the 10-day forecast and still no freezes in store. Could spring really be here already???

  16. Wonderful pictures. The last one brought a smile to my face. I guess I'm smiling at spring, too.

  17. Still not smiling up here in the frozen north! But after seeing your photos I am.

  18. Cat so nice to see spring...so beautiful...we are still experiencing winter but I don't think for long...

  19. Smiling on the righteous perhaps Cat but frozen in the present here. Tick tock, the season moves slower than ever in February so it seems. Looking at your blog is like perusing greeting cards I'd want to purchase!

  20. Great pics Cat! I have lots to learn as far as pic taking is involved...

  21. Beautiful photos and so fun with the smile! We've gotten chilly and windy today, but it won't be long to wait now.

  22. Ah..the henbit smiles, because she knows we can't ever get rid of her...haha
    Great photos, as usual. I'm ready for spring. Wish it could last way into summer.

  23. Great pics- that last one hahaha too cute.

  24. Gorgeous! I'm envious: nothing but ice and snow in Maine.

  25. Spring is a long way off here. But I have a feeling it will be early. Usually the lakes and rivers are frozen solid this time of year. But I noticed during my drive home from work that the river is open. So spring can't be far off. And your photos offer even more hope! They are lovely, Cat.

  26. Love you pictures! I try to dabble in some sort of gardening all winter and with the mild winter I was able to have an extended season. I have lettuce growing in my garden window right now!

  27. Great post that made me smile. Truly beautiful photos! And spring is definitely hurrying to get to here. I saw magnolia buds about to open this week!

  28. What...is cherry or apple blooming allready there?! Do you really have spring, sight we have hellish degrees of frost and tons of snow. I think we have like that after 3,5 months, oh I'm so envy:)
    Have great weekend and have scent of blooming for me too.

  29. Simply lovely, lovely! I could frame each one. And what a darling henbit picture. You've got an eye!

  30. Chciałbym już taką wiosnę zobaczyć . Cudowne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam. ***I would like to have seen this spring :-). Wonderful pictures. Yours.

  31. That last picture really looks like a smiley face! I love it!!
