March 12, 2012

Plant A Flower Day

March 12 is Plant A Flower Day

In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there.  To the flowers I 
 whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe.  I know they 
are there to eavesdrop for the angels.  


  1. Ooops, I missed that one. I participated in "pull some Bermuda grass" day. Hee hee.

  2. I only know what day tomorrow is ;-)

  3. How lovely! I missed this yesterday, but I will plant a flower as soon as conditions warm up a bit...maybe this weekend!

  4. Beautiful picture and wonderful quote. I did purchase some flowers yesterday. Still waiting for the soil to dry out a little before I plant them.

  5. Well, I planted a few flower seeds over the weekend. Some snapdragons and stock. I do hope they don't get gobbled up, we do have a lot of bugs out right now.

  6. I unknowingly participated by planting a fern leaf verbena yesterday afternoon. I just can't seem to get stuff done on the weekend, so I'm trying to plant a little and weed a little during the week. I joked with my hubby that at this pace, I should be done in 2 years :)

  7. I missed that one.
    But, we did participate in spread some mulch day. More of that today.

  8. Niestety u nas jeszcze za zimno, żeby ogródek ozdobić kwiatkami. Bardzo podoba mi się cytat i Twoje zdjęcie kwiatka. *** We unfortunately still too cold to garden flowers decorate. I love the quote and your picture of a flower. Yours.

  9. Everyday in spring should be Plant A Flower Day!

  10. Well, I bought some plants - but haven't planted them yet. Close! :)

  11. Cat, The picture is wonderful and I LOVE this poetic quote. I think I will have to copy it down!

  12. Lovely impatients! I can't resist planting some every summer. March is still winter in Maine so thanks for sharing your spring.

  13. I did not know about that! I will plant one today, better late than never right? I have just the one in mind too!

  14. Well I planted some broad beans, hope that counts! Lovely photo and quote.

  15. That's great Cat. I'm so excited for you. Many summers ago we had some owls move in. They had 3 babies, and at night, the babies would line up on the utility lines near the street light. They were so totally adorable. I hope yours has some cute owlets. What fun!
