May 26, 2012

Proudly Passing Out Cigars ~ Eastern Screech Owlets!

The proud parents:   Momma owl still watchful and protective as ever.

Papa owl still on security patrol nearby the box, always vigilant.

And making their debut in the garden: owlets!

Enjoyed my tea on the patio early this morning, delighting in the sound of gentle trills from the owls.  The first photo was taken two days ago, mid-day.  The second and third, this morning at dawn.  I'll be getting up early tomorrow too!


  1. one of those ahhhh moments indeed.

  2. Oh my!!! How cute!!!!!! And too cute how they are checking you out, too.

  3. Hermosas capturas!, me encanta!. Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana!

  4. Congrats! They are adorable:) It will be fun to watch them grow.

  5. How precious are those little owlets!!! How fortunate that you get to see and experience this. Great photos!!

  6. Oh, my goodness! This is SO EXCITING! I am doing backflips for you!!!

  7. Wow! An owl nestbox . . . that is pretty cool Cat.
    Great photographs and what joy it must have been looking through your lens. Do they screech for you too?

  8. Carol, they are so quiet! They make these soft little trilling noises and sound somewhat like kittens!

  9. Oh. My. The wide eyed innocence in that owlet! And the fierce look of the mama. I am enchanted with your little family and how you have captured them.

  10. Oh my gosh!! They are so cute!! I love how sweet and curious but careful they seem. The parents seem like tough cookies. It's official - I want an owl box, too!!!!

  11. How cute are they!!!! I would be out in the garden all the time too just to see and hear them....

  12. So wonderful! Love that mom, dad and babes all look a little different. And that expression on the third shot down: priceless!

  13. Oh, how adorable!! I have heard owls at night so I should probably get a large birdhouse for them. Then maybe I would see baby owls, too. They are wonderful. I like the name of your blog. I, too, like whimsy in the garden. I saw a chest of drawers with plants in the drawers and of course I had to have that, too. Best wishes, Linda

  14. Oh, my goodness! They are so cute!!! I can't wait for you to capture their first flight!

  15. And you know the owlets are sitting there thinking "Man, tomorrow we'll have to get up at dawn to see if this crazy lady is still down there taking pictures of us. What a Hoot!"

  16. Aww. And there they are. Are they constantly peeking out or did you have to wait long to take a picture of them?

  17. Ha ha - how nice to have this 'wild life' so nearby ! Great shots, Cat (and I see your star jasmine is doing very well !).

    We winter in Cape Coral, FL, home to one of the largest burrowing owl populations in the state - never tire of seeing them.

    Have a great week.

  18. Cat they are such darlings it must be wonderful seeing them in the real in your own garden no less, thanks for sharing

    contratulations on the previous post too, nice photo of you, Frances

  19. Dear Cat,

    This posting meant the world to me today. I am wild about Screech owls, but they're so trusting I always worry about them.

    Your photos and words are all perfect. I'm thankful that I took time to visit with you again today.

    Keep up your great work!!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  20. How cool is that to have owls in your garden, wow. Even my husband would love to watch this garden show:)

  21. Oh my....this steals my heart. They absolutely cute! Thank you for sharing your owlets. You are so lucky to have these guys in your back yard. Enjoy them while they're around .....and then they will begin to fledge....maybe soon:)

  22. TexWisGirl shared the link to your owls! I had visitors today, too and I just loved it!! You took some great photos! blessings ~ tanna
