July 30, 2012

Great Writing: A Few Blogs For You to Check Out

 {afternoon reflection of a single zinnia bloom in the kitchen window}

Lee of A Guide To Northeastern Gardening has graciously awarded me the One Lovely Blog award.  Thank you, Lee for the honor of such sweet recognition.  Gardening in Long Island, New York, Lee shares her knowledge and love of design and horticulture with her readers.

The rules for the One Lovely Blog Award are:

Thank the person who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.
List seven things about yourself.
Nominate up to ten blogs for the award.

  • fritos and bean dip are not safe in my presence
  • i can type nearly 100 words per minute
  • reading the dictionary fascinates me
  • it's all about the hunt:  flea markets, estate sales, and consignment shops rock 
  • i marvel daily at God's unwavering grace
  • my best friend tells me my nose crinkles when I laugh
  • there can never be too much football...high school, college, pro - it's all good

Honestly, all who take the time and make the effort to create quality posts are worthy of recognition for this award.  I'm constantly in awe of the quality information and images I find in the blogosphere.

Lately I've been really inspired by a few bloggers whose writing has captured my imagination and I'd like to nominate them for this award.  I hope you'll visit their blogs.

Austin Agrodolce
Deb is a fellow Austinite whose writing is quirky, authentic and intelligent.  She weaves stories that transport and entertain.

Foxglove Lane
Catherine writes from Ireland and has a keen sense of observation.  She captures life's moments both with her eloquent words and her beautiful photography.

Mulish & Co.
Roberta also hails from right here in Central Texas.  She says "This blog is not my first rodeo, as they are wont to say in Texas. It may be, however, my first true blog, the first blog I've kept that resonates with me. I keep it to track my path to a writing life. A life in which, creativity, and writing in particular, come first."

Two Sharp Pencils and a Broken Crayon
My friend Julie writes on creativity with razor sharp wit and deep insight.  She will have you thinking about creativity in a whole new way and will inspire you to pursue your creative dreams.

Happy reading,


  1. Foxglove Lane is the only one I know. Off to explore! (BTW delighted to see you make choices and 'share the love' so many bloggers wimp out and say I couldn't possibly and it's a ME ME meme)

  2. Well deserved Cat! I am excited to explore the blogs you mentioned as I am not familiar with them. Have a great week!

  3. Looking forward to checking out your recommended reads!

  4. We share many things in common on your list! Congrats on that award. You deserve it. I wish I could still type at 100wpm. Awesome!
    I could long ago in my high school days. I even won a little contest with such talent. Que sera', sera'. Lovely photo of that zinnia reflection.
    Stay cool,
    David/:0) (at 60wpm)

  5. Congrats, dear friend! Well deserved recognition, in my opinion.

    Love you!

  6. Cat! Can you imagine how lovely it was for me to get your fantastic comments and your thoughtful award. I am so thrilled! Thank you for your kindness, but also for your own commitment to making the blogosphere such a friendly and creative place. Congrats to you on your award, much deserved sweetie:~) X

  7. Stopping by from Chickpea Chickadee's blog reading list. Hello from another near-Austinite!

  8. Like Diana, I only know Foxglove Lane. Thanks for listing others that are a good read.

  9. Fritos and bean dip yummmm! this time of year I'm all about the fresh salsa. Thanks for sharing a little more about you.

  10. I agree about the football... and yes, you certainly deserve this award, Cat. Your posts are always inspirational!

  11. I also love the dictionary! Have you ever read The Professor and the Madman? It's a fascinating book about the Oxford English Dictionary. I absolutely devoured it. I'm definitely going to check out the blogs you mentioned. :o)

  12. The picture is so beautiful, it is the simple things like reflections which can be this beautiful.

  13. Cat a well deserved award and I love your fun facts about yourself. 100 wpm...I type about 20....some wonderful blogs a few of which are new to me...Foxglove Lane is a favorite of mine too!

  14. Hi Cat, Congratulations on the award. We share many things in common, but I can't type to save my life. It is well deserved. I will have to check out a few of the blogs listed.

  15. Congrats on the award Cat - well deserved as exemplified by your photo today, and so many in the past. And nice to get a little glimpse of yourself - #3 and 5 resonate with me.

    I shall have to look at these blogs.

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  16. I linked from you to some of the blogs you mentioned...it seems like hours ago; I went to lunch, and just now am back where I started! I enjoyed reading facts about you, and thanks for the links to some great new blogs!
