April 9, 2019

Spring in Austin Feels Like All Things Are Possible!

 Bluebonnets in the meadow behind our house.

 Big box store iris bulbs bought on clearance looking fabulous in the evening light. 

Pass a long oxalysis always brightens up any spot in the garden.  

 Scarlet Flax in the meadow. Threw some seeds in the fall and I'm so glad I did. I'm smitten. 

Vetch and bluebonnets in the meadow.

 Homestead verbena has been a heavy favorite of passing butterflies.

Prairie onion is prolific in the meadow this spring.


  1. Very nice. I wish I was in Texas right now. Well, Wisconsin isn't bad this time of year because the little plants and spring ephemerals are making an appearance. But warmth and the amazing blooms you share are certainly inviting.

  2. So pretty! I need to come see your garden again.
