November 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge ~ Thanksgivng ~ Day 14

The possumhaw signals the earnest arrival of autumn in Austin.  The fruit of this small tree will be an
important source of food this winter for a variety of birds and small mammals.  The berries have just begun to appear and they are gorgeous!  Soon the leaves will fall from the branches and only the bright 
red berries will remain providing rich, bright color to an otherwise drab winter landscape.

Today I'm thankful for the diverse beauty of all the seasons.


  1. What a beautiful tree in winter. Our native winterberry bush is similar although the birds have already stripped them clean. As a matter of fact they have stripped every berry clean in my garden. That's why I planted's to those changing seasons...such beauty!!

  2. That is a beautiful tree! It's nice to see some bright colors as we move closer to winter.

  3. I love those trees that multi-task...providing beauty for our eyes and food for the birds!

  4. I would love to have a Possumhaw here. They do give some great winter interest.
    Digging a hole for that would be a real chore, in this rocky spot.

  5. This is certainly a beautiful tree! I read that it is a native of Texas...perfect! It is beautiful in autumn and winter...something for which to be truly grateful.

  6. That snow pic is just great! Was that the 1 inch of snow you had last winter?

  7. I'm a softie for trees with berries. Beautiful!

  8. that bush is just loaded! very cool!

  9. Possumhaw photographs well. My Possumhaw doesn't have quite as many berries, but still has plenty. Enjoy the bird action that will come.

  10. All seasons make life and photographs so interesting. It seems when we are in one, we pine for another.

  11. You're nearly halfway to your 30-day goal! Cheers! That tree is so pretty in both seasons! I love trees and shrubs with berries, too!

  12. The last pic is beautiful, thanks.
