November 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge ~ Thanksgiving ~ Day 15 ~ GBBD!

Yes!  It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and that means I'm halfway through the 30 Day Challenge of Thanksgiving!  After watching Matt Cutt's inspirational presentation two weeks ago, I was inspired to try something new for 30 days.  Being intentionally thankful during the month of November seemed a good fit. 

Taking the time to find gratitude in the simple delights of my life has caused me to slow down and really absorb and live the meaning of the Thanksgiving season.

Today I'm thankful for the transformation in the 
garden since summer has released it's relenting grip.

Martha Gonzales Antique Rose

Livin' Easy

Sunflower Goldeneye

Although more is blooming than not, there are sure signs of colder days to come.  Esperanza flowers litter the ground along with the fallen leaves of the crepe myrtle.

It won't be long and this gardener will be finding gratitude in the muted palette of late fall.  But for now, the pollinators and I are enjoying the blooms of many of the native and adapted perennials rejoicing in relief.

I hope you're finding plenty to be thankful for in your gardens on this GBBD!  Stop by May Dreams Gardens to see how autumn is progressing in gardens around the world.


  1. Hi Cat! We're Half way there and lots more to be thankful for!

    Your roses are gorgeous - Happy GBBD :)

  2. Wow, your photos are getting better and better through the days!

  3. Lovely captures! Your butterfly must be thankful it has all its wings intact. :)

  4. Really beautiful shots Cat! I have found that my days have slowed since I am taking the time to rejoice in the smaller things. For that I am thankful since the rest of the year will just fly by.

  5. Beautiful images as always, and how lovely to have happy flowers to enjoy after all that drought. Hope the frosts stay away a little longer for you.

  6. Cat how wonderful your garden is...isn't it amazing how our plants recover and bring us recovery too....

  7. My gardens are enjoying a slight cool down too.

  8. So much beauty in everything you photograph.

  9. Esas imágenes de flores son verdaderas obras de arte! Me encanta tu estilo! saludos!!!

  10. What a wonderful post. I'm finding that I, too, have a lot to be thankful for this November in spite of the horrible weather endured by the garden this year. Happy Bloom Day!

  11. I'm seeing lots of roses in posts. Yours are lovely. It's a transition time in the garden.

  12. aloha,

    i'm enjoying all the transitions in your garden and the macro shots lead to a real feel for the beauty of your garden.

  13. Beautiful photos.
    Hope you got some good rain today.
    More to be thankful for.

  14. Pretty blooms in your garden! 15 days of has really made me think and search for thankfulness. It isn't hard to find. :)

  15. As always I love your photos- great monarch shot.

  16. Reason for gratitude, Cat ... all is lovely!

  17. So nice to see blooms in a November garden. Happy GBBD!

  18. I have been enjoying your thoughtful posts on the 30 Day Challenge. (I wish I had participated!) And your photos are lovely as always! Happy Bloom Day!

  19. Lovely blooms and pictures! As always, you are so inspiring.

  20. Hi Cat, Congratulations on reaching the half way point in your quest to explore the true meaning of the season. I am sure it is a great relief to see the garden returning to a more normal state after the harsh summer you experienced. Happy GBBD!

  21. I'm so glad you started this challenge because it's been a joy to find things to write about each day. I have more things I'm thankful for than days to write about them and that's GREAT!

  22. So true, Tammy...things to be thankful for are everywhere! Maybe a gratitude journal is in order ;)

  23. Your photography is simply stunning! I'm in love with your antique rose--it's just beautiful. Happy GBBD!

  24. Absolutely beautiful. Livin' Easy is my favourite.

  25. Beautiful images! What a great reminder that there is always something to be thankful for if we just take the time to look around us.

  26. Beautiful post...and indeed, so much to be grateful for :-)
