December 8, 2011

Kissed by Frost While I Lay Dreaming

While I lay dreaming of warm, sunny days a soft kiss of frost was placed lightly upon my head.


  1. beautiful images! yes, it's been crispy lately!

  2. Beautiful pics! But if you keep posting these I wont get onto the plane ;-) It seems to be warmer over here and I am still dreaming of a birthday with warm weather!

  3. Don't worry, Sandra it is beautiful and sunny during the day! Hi in the 50s with rich sunsets.

  4. Phew! Thanks Cat! Brings some relief!

  5. We had a pretty frost land here as well. Far cry from this past summer, right? I know at the time it felt like it would never come again, but here it is. I went outside to scatter a few more wildflower seeds and realized there was a frosty crust on the soil. I have to admit I am ready for a little dormancy for a few weeks here, so I can blog a little more and catch up on the never-ending need to get more organized (now who's dreaming? Ha!) Beautiful usual :-)

  6. Gorgeous. Always a pleasure to see what your camera will find. :)

  7. Frost makes for such interesting images and patterns and you captured it beautifully!

  8. Beautiful images - and I love your saying.

  9. Glad to see you're enjoying the frost you received, these are some lovely shots. I was surprised to read you have frost there but I guess it's not a regular thing.

  10. I love the little orange zinnia. I had mostly pink zinnias this past summer in my beds. I really like the orange ones and will have to plant some more in the spring.
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  11. I love frost photos, especially frosty leaves. Very nice Cat!

  12. After all that heat you endured this summer, I'd think the ground would still be steaming!

    Beautiful images, so peaceful and stunning.

  13. No frost here. Only sunshine and rain. Frost plus texture makes the photos really beautiful.

  14. Beautiful images Cat. I like the photo editing you used too, it adds a sense of mystery.

  15. I love your pictures!
    And the words to them fits so perfectly.
    I am curious what program you use to get these pictures look so vintage.
    Even though the flowers' lives are ended, they look so beautiful. The frost just adds that contrasting detail that highlights that their time is passed.



  16. Really beautiful photography and blog, so nice to fond you. Feel we might be kindred spirits! Big wave from Ireland:~)

  17. Thank you Annelie for such kind words...I use Photoshop Elements to edit my photos. It's a program that allows for a lot of creativity ;)

    Well thank you so much, Foxglove Lane. A big wave back from Texas! I'll pop over and visit your blog.

  18. Beautiful! I hope you get snow again this year! :o)

  19. Hi Cat, you photography skill is excellent. All the photos are so lovely. Have a nice day.

  20. am sure you've done so already but please re-iterate what you use to create these wonderful dreamy textures - crisp and crackling

  21. What beautiful images! I love how you've made them look, as well!

  22. Hi Cat,
    I always find frost makes the garden a magical place. You have captured that magic beautifully.
