December 6, 2011

Autumn's Final Show?

The Firebush (Hamelia patens) is showing off rich hues of red and bits of gold.  This Texas Superstar has not only withstood the heat and drought of this summer, it has flourished in spite of them.  The hummingbirds love this shrub for its prolific tubular flowers of summer but I love it for its radiant fall color.  I'm only hoping it doesn't succumb to tonight's freeze.  A low of 28F is predicted...that's dang cold for us thin blooded Texans.  Throw a few triple digit days at me and I'm fine but when it gets much below 65F, I'm shivering!

We'll be staying inside by the fire tonight, listening to Christmas music and preparing the house for the season.  It's starting to feel a lot more like Christmas!


  1. Cat: I had to chuckle at your shivering with temps below 65. We won't see 65 again here in Wisconsin until April (or March if we're lucky)! We'll have highs in the 20s and 30s for the next few days. Brrr... I loved your shots of the Firebush--such a vibrant color!

  2. Cat, I'm with PlantPostings (of course we are fellow Wisconsinites) and 65 degrees would feel so balmy right about now. But I am a total wimp when the temperatures rise above 80 degrees and whine about 'how HOT it is!'

    With the summer heat you just endured, I would have been cowering in front of my air conditioning the entire season.

    The firebush is a beautiful shrub, but I suppose it is not hardy here in the Rust Belt. So good to see something with leaves on it yet, lol.

  3. I, too, will take triple digits over frosty days. Although winter is my least favorite season, this year I am determined to remain positive and find something to be thankful for every day...your Thanksgiving posts inspired me!

  4. Haha, Cat, thin blooded Texans ;-)
    I havent started packing yet. I can definitely pack some winter jackets for you ;-) Right now we have 37F.

  5. it did get a bit nippy last night, didn't it?!

  6. It's 10F outside my window as I write this... brrr! so thankful for my furnace! I only tell you that so that you may feel warm. :)

  7. Finally getting used to the cold. Into the 20's here last night - need to pull up the wilty stuff today. Didn't think I ever would. No snow here yet as we are in downtown FW but your daughter will see lots of the white stuff where she is. Need to look for snowmen ideas to send her - ha ha!

  8. Argh--28F is cold, even for up here in DC! But yes, the cool temps do make it feel a little more like Christmas. And the firebush even provides the red and green Christmas colors. :) Stay warm!

  9. I agree - below 65 is cold! Your firebush is very pretty. I have no idea what mine looks like - I can't see it from the house, and I'm not going out until it warms up!

  10. How nice to see foliage. Ours is all down now. 28 is cold for Texas but normal for us. Oddly enough our weather has been unusually warm, but snow is in tonight’s forecast. A fire is a good suggestion.

  11. Cat do not get upset with us northerner's for your shivering at 65 degrees. I expect it does feel cold to you even if it would feel wonderful to us. 28 is cold for anyone though. Your fall colors are still so pretty to see and I love the shadow of the creche in the last shot. So pretty. Have a wonderful week.

  12. Merry Christmas Cat! Hope you are enjoying your decorating and the cool-to-you temps. :)

  13. The color on your Hamelia is beautiful. The best mine had was a tinge of burgundy on the tips. It's now sad and wilty--one of the few that was dinged by the freeze last night. Onward through the seasons...

  14. love the bush...65.. well that is right nice here...actually 28 isn't too bad either...we are getting a few of those temps too...we usually have more cold by now

  15. I'm right there with you...I am such a wimp when it comes to cold weather. That cold front is headed my way and I am getting ready with the warm woollies!
