July 5, 2012

Begonia Blossoms and Why I Blog

Why I Blog? 

You might not think this such a difficult question to answer.  I didn't.  But given that I've been thinking on it for a week now and have tossed away more ideas to answer the question than not, my opinion of the question has wavered. 

In an effort to not bore you, it seems the answer should be brief and to the point.  But considering that we are emotional beings, nothing is ever simple is it?

This stem of angel wing begonia blossoms was found on the ground this morning.  It seemed a shame to toss it.  It's delicate, feminine countenance called to be photographed. 

I suppose that is one of the most significant reasons I blog.  To share with you small moments of wonder that draw me in, moving me to the point of expression through words and photographs.

There are countless photographs of this angel wing begonia in bloom on my hard drive.  It's planted in a colorful ceramic pot with complementary plantings but none of those pictures has ever moved me to post about it.  It's the small, beautiful and simplest of moments that I find myself wanting to tell you about. 

Maybe it has something to do with gardening in such a pernicious climate...where what might appear to be a simple happening is really a triumph in survival.  The mercury was climbing toward 90 degrees when I came across this bloom still looking as fresh as those thriving on the plant.

What is it about a stem of two blossoms in a vintage Listerine bottle that inspires someone to write about why they blog?  Who knows!  We humans are complicated.  All I know is I followed my heart's desire.

It's my hope that this blog will inspire you to create and grow a garden, literally or as a metaphor for life, that is a reflection of your heart's desire.


  1. These photographs, the first two in particular, are especially beautiful, I think. I don't know that I've ever seen an angel wing begonia. As for why we blog, it's complicated isn't it? Maybe not overly so, but, there's no simple answer to that question.

    1. It is surprisingly complex to think of all the reasons why we blog. There are so many but I wanted to really nail it down and it just seemed for me to be about sharing the experience of small moments because we all have them and can relate to their simplicity. Our culture may collectively think differently, but these small experiences are not unimportant. Together all these little moments form who we are and how we react to and see the world. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. They are some of my favorite of this year too.

  2. You are very right, you got me there! The sad thing is I don't know how you did that lovely photo with a very subtle hint of dissolving, very feminine, very elegant, very classy. I know why you blog! You have the same reasons that i have! And they are maybe better left unsaid, because words will not suffice!

    1. Thank you Kalantikan for all of your kind words. I'm happy to share with you how I took the photograph. The vase was placed on a white window ledge in indirect sunlight. The ISO was at 200, the aperture was wide open at 1.4 (this shallow depth of field is what creates that soft focus) and the shutter speed was 1/1000. In the first photo you can see the gray areas are the actual window. Then in my editing software I bumped up the exposure to whiten the image. That gives it more of a dreamy quality.

  3. I have your blog in my reader for more than a year. I used to read your blogs only because of the simple but elegant photographs and mystical approach towards gardening. Happy gardening and bloging.


    1. Thank you for your faithful reading Thangamani! I appreciate your taking the time to read and am especially thankful that you felt moved to comment. It's a pleasure to know you're out there and I'll be sure and stop by your blog to say hello.

  4. Beautiful photos Cat!

    "Sharing small moments of wonder" is so right, but it's simpler than that -- "Sharing" is the key. The more we all share, the more we learn and the more we feel like one family. That can't be a bad thing.

    1. Hi Alan, Absolutely blogging is about sharing and I'm so thankful to have found so many to learn from and share with. As the blogging community has grown I've found myself wondering what my niche is and what it is I truly want to share and why. There is so much information out there now and that is absolutely a good thing. I found myself wanting to dig down even further into why I blog and what motivates me to write a post. And thank you for your faithful reading too. It's been a pleasure following your blog and having such a wonderful gardening buddy.

  5. I agree with what Alan commented--"sharing" is the key word. I like reading about what others are experiencing in their gardens. I find solidarity in it, and it makes want to share my own experiences too. I'm thankful that you share your photos and reflections with us!

    1. There is such a solid community here in the blogosphere and it brings me tons of inspiration and a wealth of information. My passion for gardening and photography grew exponentially once I started reading blogs. It's such a beautiful and generous thing the way so many share freely of their expertise and experiences. Reading the work of others in their gardens never fails to remind me of the good in so many people out in the world.

  6. i loved this. you said a ton, even if you didn't say it all.

    1. Thanks TexWisGirl. If I were still a student I might be inclined to write a dissertation on the topic. It could be explored from so many different angles.

  7. Beautiful. I appreciate you sharing your stories and wonderful pictures with your readers on your blog. I so enjoy checking in to see what new post you have posted. There is so much beauty in world. Why not share it:)

    1. Thanks so much Steph. You've said it...there is so much beauty in the world and we need to share it. So often the noisy, not so beautiful things get the most attention. It's a conscious decision to take notice of the good and beautiful things and give them a platform too.

  8. What a beautiful blog! I love your begonia -- so fragile and delicate, really very lovely! As a BTS classmate I've been trying to pinpoint the "why" of blogging too. I'm pretty much coming up empty -- except that I like it. And I like meeting others that like it! : )

  9. Hi Jessica, Nice to 'meet' you and thank you for stopping by! I like blogging too, for many reasons...too many to list actually. But high on the list is meeting others and learning from and being inspired by them.

  10. I like your reasoning, stated and unstated. Turning people on and inspiring them is so important...

  11. I think I started blogging because I figured I could help others avoid the same mistakes I made. And then I started taking photos, and it is wonderful having others better than me at gardening, design and photography because it makes me push to be better.

  12. Did you move your self portrait? I thought it was at the top. I think I like to see you right away.

    1. I'm always moving things around. It's easier to move things around on my blog than it is to move the furniture around in my house! I'm constantly in a state of wanting to change things...it's just in my nature...a creative spirit, I guess.

  13. How beautifully put - it's the simple things in life that are always the most poignant. I love your blog and your writing voice - both are very lovely! It's nice to be in class with you and thanks for sharing those delicate photos. I completely get why you felt compelled to take photos of them! :)

    1. Thank you Sherri, I'm so glad to have found your blog too. Always fun to meet another creative soul ;)

  14. Love your last sentence - and your photos are dreamy. I, too, sometimes wonder why I blog, but I think we all just love our gardens so much we want to share that - and there's nobody that knows that kind of love like other gardeners!

    1. Yes, Holley, there is so much I share that only a gardener would get! Thank goodness for y'all cause I know my family thinks I'm crazy at times!

  15. Humans are complicated - ain't that the truth! Sometimes I wonder why I continue with blogging, I haven't found a reason yet but I'm compelled to do it and that's reason enough right now. I like the vintage bottle, perfect size for a tiny bloom.

  16. Beautiful photos, as usual. And, beautiful words.

    I started blogging, as a sort of journal of my gardening. Then, it became so much more. People commented on my pictures and my words. They sent me much needed advice and encouragement. It became more like visiting with friends, than keeping a journal.

    Your blog inspired me to work harder on my photos. I used to paint. Now, taking better photos...I hope..and editing...adding textures to some...is like painting, without the mess.

    So keep going, Girl. Keep inspiring and sharing those small moments and big ones, too. We all love visiting here.

    1. Your wonderful blog inspires me in many ways too Linda. I love how you weave the stories of family and gardening together so beautifully. Thank you for your faithful reading :)

  17. Absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful words and images = a fabulous blog! Great to be in class with you.

  18. I like to find inspiration in my garden -I often just walk round and round looking for something I've not spotted before. I love the changing seasons too.... and mother nature never fails to amaze me! A great blog - I love your photos! Look forward to seeing more! I'm trying not to fall too far behind in BTS!

  19. I love, love, love your header and your thoughts about blogging! Your photos are outstanding, simple and elegant.

  20. Preciosas imágenes, suaves, simples y elegantes a la vez! Muy bueno tu trabajo! Feliz fin de semana.

  21. Your blog is always inspiring to me, Cat. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful photos!

  22. Thanks for a most inspirational bog - words and photos. I especially like the phrase - "sharing small moments of wonder". I believe blogging encourages me to notice more of those moments. Any chance you could share how you get such beautiful soft images?

    1. Thanks for visiting, Betty. I enjoyed perusing your blog too. We share a lot of the same philosophies and enjoyment in our gardens. The process of capturing such a soft image is not too difficult: The vase was placed on a white window ledge in indirect sunlight. The ISO was at 200, the aperture was wide open at 1.4 (this shallow depth of field is what creates that soft focus) and the shutter speed was 1/1000. In the first photo you can see the gray areas are the actual window. Then in my editing software I bumped up the exposure to brighten the image. That gives it more of a dreamy quality.

    2. Cat, I much appreciate your reply and generous sharing of photography info.

  23. You've made it difficult to comment on this post (which I mean as a compliment!). There is so much to absorb and then process....any single response couldn't quite capture the many emotions you unearth with your question - why do we blog?

    My reasons to blog (and occasionally, not to blog) are varied, but one bottom line remains constant. The folks I interact with while blogging are not only doers, but story tellers and photographers, and it is that extra step of sharing what you've done that floats my boat. Reading here always makes me want to be a better gardener, and it makes me want to be a better story teller and photographer too. Why you blog may shift around but that you blog I hope will never change.

    1. Deb your words are so encouraging. Yours is one of the blogs I first followed faithfully and your writing has always inspired me. Your voice shines through in your writing and your humor keeps me coming back. I'm truly humbled by your words.

  24. Cat I love begonias as well but that is so lovely all by itself. It is amazing what we see when we really look with our heart and soul. I started blogging about my garden to fulfill my heart and soul...it is the one thing I am compelled to do...blog, garden, capture it in pictures.

  25. Well, well done! I love how you cratively answered this question with the photos...kind of keeping us looking for more feeding us a little of your "why" at a time! And your header is one of the best I've seen...I'm looking forward to following! So glad to be taking this class with you and so many wonderful others!

    Denise in Akron, Ohio, United States

  26. Cat, this is a beautiful post and having read your blog for over a year now, I would agree. You always point out the simple and sometimes overlooked observations in the garden. And I enjoy that. I am always looking and noticing, and it is nice to see what others see and notice. And your photos are always so beautiful--bringing out delicate features of blooms and plants.

  27. Hey Cat, I had only met you once and short before I found out you were blogging, too. And the next time I saw you I felt like we have been friends for the longest time - only be following your blog. You know I'm one of your biggest fans and I think each one of your pics is a masterpiece. You made me want to take better pictures!

    Recently, I also connected with a lot of quilters from all over the world through my blog and they are the sweetest, chattiest and most helpful bunch of girls! That's why I love blogging!

  28. Wonderful post and blog! I agree - why I blog question - sheesh - that has taken a bit to process and figure out on my end, too. Such pretty, pretty photos too! I'll bet the begonias enjoyed the photo shoot, too.

  29. I find myself asking the same question, I haven't yet come up with a rational answer, but sharing does have a lot to do with it. Keep sharing. Christina

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment, Cat !
    Love how you wrote this post and your photos of the blossoms are so soft and dreamy, wonderful !
    Have a nice week,

  31. Exactly!!! I don't blog just to talk about gardening but the way it intersects our lives to make it richer. Gardening and photography are about observation, which helps us focus on the beauty around us, even when we don't think there is anything to see. :o) LOVE this post!!!

  32. How very lovely, both philosophy and photography. Your blogs are truly a poetic inspiration for us all!

  33. Major love for your new header and your art work is fantastic!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos (BTS Class)

  34. Wonderfully written, Cat! Simplicity = elegance. And this post is simple yet eloquent as your begonia seems initially simple, a fallen off flower, but is lovingly portrayed in your images.

  35. I'm having the same question in my mind since I am getting ready to write my 2nd year blogaversary post. Part of me doesn't even want to mention it and I don't know why. I should be proud, but instead I just want to post something normal and not call attention to myself. Maybe part of blogging is overcoming fears and taking risks. Gardening is like that as well. What do you think?
    I love your photos and each is so subtle and unique.
    BTW, you have the same photo style as my garden friend in Japan. You two should become blog friends. She's hard to find since there are at least 5 La Vie en Rose blogs (and some are NOT garden related). Here is the direct address to her garden blog. She's just starting out and would love a nice visitor like you. Her name is Keity.
    :0) David

  36. Cat, Your thoughts are so wonderfully expressed. I am glad that you share these "small moments of wonder".

  37. lovely photos, enjoyed reading, so elegant and clean. (BTS)

  38. I welcome you very warmly.
    I am charmed by your blog.
    It is fantastic.
    Pictures full of romance
    Greetings from Polish.

  39. Hello Cat
    Your blog is such a lovely, sweet, calm place to visit. Love your sweet, light photography (those begonia pictures are such sublime softness) and the accompanying words. Will surely come back. Want to know how the rain story continues (here in Belgium we know all about rainy days...)

    I also would like to thank you for having visited mine!
    Marleen (from BTS)
