July 11, 2012

When You're Goofy and You Know It

What do you do in Austin, Texas when thunderstorms roll in and the thermometer barely reaches into the 80's in mid July?  Not just one day, but two days in a row?  Well, what any Texas girl worth her boots would do...

Stalk radar...

Let's zoom in on that a bit just because it makes me so happy.  See the bright orange there in the middle of the cell?  That indicates the heaviest rain sitting right over the lake and my neighborhood.  Yes!

Stalk the rain gauge...

Three and one-half inches fell on July 9th and another one inch fell last night.  Oh my, a drought weary garden could get used to this!  Just last week the live oak trees dropped a bunch of leaves from drought stress.

All this stormy weather has me in the mood to cook steamy, comfort foods and drink hot tea.  Something I haven't done since, oh, I don't know, February...

While stalking the rain gauge, I found this little hummer taking a break.  Oh good, something else to stalk!

All the excitement from these thunderstorms has left me feeling joyfully giddy.  We just don't see these kinds of temperatures and rain totals in July.  

Could it be that some new growth on the wildflowers beyond the fence will satisfy the bunnies?  Could it be that they might leave the black-eyed Susan alone in the garden? 

Could be...after all, if you'd asked me a week ago if I'd be adding 4.5" to my rain gauge page I would have shaken my head woefully.  Apparently, a girl can dream.


  1. Oh yes! It has been fun hasn't it? Housework, laundry, and some organizing is all getting caught up this week.

    Lovely photos, the hummers here are going nuts whenever the rain stops.

    For the first time in months I didn't start my day out on the deck and it felt very different.

    1. I know! I haven't watered pots in three days...I keep feeling like I've abandoned a child or something! :)

  2. We had quite a bit of unexpected rain, too. Hooray!! I'm so glad you're not as dry as last year. It was fabulous to go two whole days without running my soaker hoses! I'm hoping not to run them until this weekend or maybe next week. Woo-hoo! A girl can wish!

  3. You're lucky - I think I've gotten about 1.5" since Sunday. And it's not like we live that far apart...but then, in that nice radar picture you showed, we are in the area that says NO RAIN FOR YOU, SUCKERS!

    1. Oh, no! I hope you got some from the showers that moved through yesterday afternoon.

  4. I sure hope that's headed my way! Although my rain gauge (jar) probably only holds 3". I'd be happy to see it overflow though. :-)

  5. I am so glad that you got some much needed rain. Please send it up our way when you are done with it. LOL!

    1. I know how you feel after our experience of last summer. I do hope you get some relief soon, Lona.

  6. My rain gauge is collecting unemployment checks for the summer I think. But I'm glad there are rain gauges working somewhere in the U.S.!

  7. Good for you! We're having quite a bit of rain ourselves but it is expected because it is wet season now. LOL! I stalk weather sites as well because I love extreme weather conditions. That chicken soup looks good. I'm suddenly craving some.

    1. It was good. It seems my family has been missing the comfort of soup too...the whole pot was gone by mid-day yesterday!

  8. Glad to know it rains in Texas ;) I could feel the giddiness in your writing - happy day.

  9. Glad for you, plus, I would hate for my next trip to Austin to look any more like it does in my part of the world. You call it 4.5" of rain, I call it almost 1/2 a year of rain...

  10. Yay! I, too, have been reveling in the rain that has been coming our way the past few days. Boy have we all needed some!

  11. I would be doing the same thing...we celebrate those wonderful moments and yu had a couple...so happy to hear you are having some relief..we need the rain here next...

  12. That is definitely something to celebrate! A little reprieve from the heat & dryness seams to go a long way to cleanse and raise the spirits! P.S. I stalk my garden too. I always wonder what the wildlife and plants are thinking when I creep up on them with my camera. "Oh, here she goes again, another photo shoot!"

    1. Ha! Yes, especially the anoles. They always seem to have an exasperated expression when I show up with my camera!

  13. It's been great!
    We've gotten almost THREE INCHES here, so far. Maybe more to come? If not, we'll take what we got.

    And, you're right. Gardeners are 'stalkers'.....wildlife, blooms, weather. Good description.

  14. Congrats on being in the orange! We've had a few showers pop up, but nothing like three inches!!! Impressive! So happy for you! And I love your little hummingbird friend, too.

  15. Oh, how wonderful for y'all!!!! I was outside the other day and I had to remind myself that it was really July! There was a cool breeze in the air; it was just lovely. Spotty rain here, nothing really substantial, but so much better than last year with just a little cloud cover and cooler temps. Such a relief from last year :-) Enjoy it while you can!!

  16. I'm happy for you--you suffered drought for too long. Unfortunately, now I know firsthand what you were going through last summer. I'm sure folks here will be dancing in the streets next time it rains--if it ever rains again.

  17. Rain in mid July? We'd never even dared dream it. Giddy precisely describes our reaction as well. It is fascinating how widely variable an event can be over an area. Here in the Rollingwood neighborhood, we ended up with about 2 3/4 inches total in our gauge. I'd say "only" 2 3/4 inches seeing as others around us had that much from one storm's worth, but we'll take anything we get at this point.

  18. i am so jealous! we've barely had sprinkles earlier this week up near dallas. *sigh* at least you're getting great rains!

  19. I thought I was the only one staring at Doppler radar like I've never seen rain before. I have multiple weather apps on my phone. Is it raining at my house? Hmmm... I don't know, let me input my coordinates. Technology is awesome!

  20. Blessed rain--enjoy! We even got a bit here last week, nearly a third of an inch, and it was absolutely wonderful. I know how you feel.

  21. That's wonderful!!! We got over an inch of rain last night, and I stalked the raindrops! All the plants look as if they have come back from a long and relaxing vacation.

  22. The rain has really changed our perspective on things, hasn't it? Oh, my, I do love that hummingbird picture!

  23. I mentioned your blog on my blog and sent you a pile of Garden Love. :o)

    1. You are the sweetest blog friend in the world ;) I hope you know how much I absolutely adore you and your blog.

  24. We could use a bit of that 'goofy' up here !

