November 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge ~ Thanksgiving ~ Day 11

Happy 11-11-11!

Thankful today for the few minutes with the Monarch as it stopped to visit the White Mistflower.  Today she was much more obliging and accepted the invitation of a portrait session!


  1. Oh, so pretty! Just like a painting!
    In Germany on November, 11th the fifth season starts: Carnival Season!
    Thank you so much for your kind words on my post! I'm sure you'll get to see it at some point. Would love to take you on a tour. As a memorial it's gonna stay there forever I think.

  2. A most poignant thanksgiving too for this remembrance day too Cat. For the flyers perhaps.

  3. Beautiful picture! I think the butterflies have all flown south from DC. So nice that they're still in your neighborhood!

  4. Yay! Glad she cooperate today! Beautiful captures!

  5. There are not very many of those fluttering around! Those are beautiful portraits! Have a good weekend. :)

  6. Lovely! I haven't seen any monarchs this year in N.C. Lots in Maine this summer, though ...

  7. The monarch(s) that were visiting my gardens have left on their trek to Mexico. Lovely photos.

  8. Great photos.
    Haven't seen many butterflies around here, this year. I miss them.

  9. She posed so obligingly. A quiet and refined beauty.

  10. See what happens when you approach life with love in your heart like you do? She did come back to pose for you Cat. She could feel your kindness and so she obliged :) Great photo!

  11. Catching up on your posts... love the Monarch and love that you still have them dancing in your gardens!
